Essay A+ Education is purely a consultation sample service provided by writing essays for you. The end use is your personal decision and we will not interfere. Whatever you decide to do with your paper after our submission is entirely your personal decision.
Essay A+ Education’s code of ethics provides that your personal contact information is to be kept discrete at all costs and thus cannot be disclosed or sold for any given reason. Your personal data is thus as safe as the content of a bank vault.
We will never reuse or resell your papers at any given time. This only applies to clients who do not pay their dues. Look at the real case on 20/07/2020.
Essay A+ Education promises to fulfill all the objective requirements you put forward. (For example, word count, theme, style, structure, reference materials, etc.)
After you receive the final paper, you are advised to review the paper just in case there are any modifications you might need (specific suggestions), after which you must contact us as soon as possible to get your paper fixed.
Please note that our revision period only works within a span of five working days after you receive your final paper. Failure to do so will be upon you.
Different professors will have different opinions on the same work. We recommend that you do not submit your homework directly but modify and adjust it according to your professor's needs.
Essay A+ Education reminds everyone that scoring is subjective and no company can guarantee your score (if they say so, you need to be aware that this may be fraudulent).